Thursday, 15 August 2013

Shutdown Expert Task scheduler and power saving tool

Hello friends, now we are going to teach you about "Shutdown Expert Task scheduler and power saving tool". To know "How to use Shutdown Expert" Task scheduler and power saving tool, watch below video and please share it with your friends if you like it....

As computers take on more and more automated tasks, they seem to spend more and more time fully powered on. In many cases personal computers are left running all the day just to execute some tasks that the computer may do during non-working hours.
Allowing a computer to go into standby or hibernation and then waking it up as needed is a much smarter option. Certainly there are tasks that require the computer to be always on, but for other tasks there is often a better method, which helps you to save power and reduce the level of noise.

Standby mode is energy conserving, because your entire computer switches to a low-power state. Devices, such as the monitor and hard disks, turn off and your computer uses less power. It's easy to return to work, because Standby leaves applications and files open on your desktop Standby is not appropriate for long term use and it has one important limitation: everything is in memory, not yet saved to the hard drive.

Hibernate mode writes an image of what you're currently working on to a special file on your hard drive, and then shuts your computer almost completely off. It takes a bit longer than Standby, since it needs to write to your hard drive. Hibernate also takes a bit longer to resume, since you must go through essentially the normal boot process, although in Windows XP your computer wakes faster from Hibernate than in previous versions of Windows. The advantage is that you can leave your laptop in Hibernate mode for days without any ill effect. When you start it back up, you'll see everything exactly as you left it. Hibernate is the perfect mode for shutting down for the night or even the week-end.

Power consumption:
Computer state Consumption
Powered On 100%
Powered On, but Monitor Off 60%
Standby 35%
Hibernation 1%
Powered Off 0.7%
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